New Additions to Morning Musume - Li Chun (Jyun Jyun) and Qian Lin (Rin Rin)
Big news! As part of the 8th generation, two new addition to Morning Musume in the form of "exchange student" from China - Li Chun (Jyun Jyun) and Qian Lin (Rin Rin).
Here's the summary from the announcement made in Hello! Project site, Tsunku's official site and Up Front Works.
Apparently at the time of the Happy 8 Audition, Jyun Jyun took part in an audition in Beijing, China. And Rin Rin was an exchange student in Hello Project eggs. Tsunku saw potential in them when he saw them perform in a concert.
Tsunku reiterates his goal of 2007 to break into the Asian market, and looks at these two girls as the "key person", and it is his best decision to include them in Morning Musume.
He comments that these girls possess a "character" that Morning Musume did not have so far. He is convinced that in their singing skills he sees that they are "members with a great new hidden possibility" (I hope I phrase that correctly)
He continues to say that "This year is the 10th anniversary of Morning Musume since its formation. So far, in the repetition of various graduations and additions, it became a vocal unit with unending evolution and is loved by all. To further this growth, it is with my great expectation that this a good opportunity for another evolution with the addition of Jyun Jyun and Rin Rin."
He ends the announcement while asking for everyone to extend their support, and he wishes all a great springtime.

Jyun Jyun
Real Name: Li Chun
Birthday: 11 February 1988
Age: 19 years old
Birthplace: Hunan, China
Height: 168 cm
Musical instruments: Piano, 2 years
Hobby and Specialty: Singing, acting
Foreign Language: English (Beginner Level)
Favourite Artist: Wayne Lin Jun Jie, Cyndi Wang Xin Ling
Performing history: 2006 Super Girl, Area Best 50 in ChangshaLink Here
Jyun Jyun in action in Super Girl 2006
Some pics of Jyun Jyun:

Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5

Rin Rin
Real name: Qian Lin
Birthdate: 11 March 1991
Age: 16 years
Birthplace: Hangzhou, China
Height: 153cm
Special Skills: Emcee, acting, impersonation, singing, dance, piano, guitar, swimming... etc.
Performing history: Scouted in elementary school (2nd Grade). Acted in TV dorama (soap opera) and hosted television shows. Started to join the showbiz in China
didn't someone have the nickname rin rin in h!p before?
How come no one said anything about an audition in China?!!?
Do they even no how to speak japanese yet? o_o
I'm Chinese >_> (just live in the USA, that's all)
Hopefully this can get Morning Musume on everyone's head again like those golden days... Tsunku is really.. thinking OUTSIDE the box.
I'm glad these girls has a lot of experience! :d These girls are pretty old too.
Wow, I'm really... (I can't even say it in english, hehe)
Is it normal? Well I think it's not.
But it's a pleasent surprise for me, I was of the thou that 8th generation should have more than one member.
But more than that, I really like Li Chun (Jyun Jyun) wow, she's so cute.
And that they play instruments it's really good. And they have some experience (or more than just some i think)
Any idea what the Japanese fans think about this?
I'm shocked too... but no time to digest it now. Got a big problem in office to attend to.
BUt as far as the Japanese's reaction......... from what I see in the Japanese blogs and news sites, let's just say the ratio is something like this:
5% - Favourable, excited about it
5% - Neutral
20% - Not interested at all, talks about something else
10% - "But they're Chinese. Are they up to it?"
60% - "What the HECK?!", "Hahaha!", "Ya gotta be kidding me?!"..... and other negative responses.
For me,... I'm just hoping that it's not another Coconuts Musume situation. And that Tsunku may be biting off more than he can chew...
Gotta go, cos' I got a busy day ahead.
Btw... Anon. That's the SAME person you mentioned. Rin Rin is from H!P Eggs.
I hope this reaction change with the time.
And again, I don't understan what's the problem with that. It don't mean they are changing girls, they are adding girls, I think this is positive.
Well in non japanese forums I've read better reactions, from "let's see what they can give" to "this girls are really cute" or "I trust tsunku".
I just don't find any "wow, they are talented and experienced", jejeje.
=P i hope you were able to fix up the problem~!
i seriously wonder how long this negative response in Japan would linger. seeing that many seem to still be upset with AIBON, whom they watched grow up and is oh-ever-so-cute... it really makes me wonder. it'd be interesting to watch how this unfolds, i guess we'll see how much Tsunku values his Japanese market too eh?
With regards to Xacur's response... from what I read, it seems that people would be okay if these girls joined H!P but under a different group. Correct me if I'm wrong, Morning Musume means "Daughter of Japan?" Or at least that's what I've read. Kinda weird to have two Chinese in there no? Don't get me wrong. I'm Chinese myself but I'm having a heck of a hard time digesting the fact that there are two girls whom can probably very barely speak that language, except for the one in Eggs.
I heard the clip for one of the girls... I don't hear anything there to be honest. But who am I to say. Maybe Goto just set the standards real high for me - being the first auditions i watched...
Above all right now, I'm more concerned about the current line-up of girls in Morning. I can't imagine what's going on in their minds. At least for Yossi, she'll be out soon. But wow, Miki. this is ONE HECK OF A CHALLENGING YEAR. To me, juggling GAM and Morning Musume was gonna be tough enough - but now you have two girls whom you'll be having communication barriers with. INTERESTING. MIKI GAMBATTE~! HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!! :) and oh of course, our lovely ai-chan too! =)
Actually morning musume just means morning daughter
I didn't undestand that of "Daughter of Japan".
I've been reading H!O forum since some hours ago and I can see that people is taking the new as a good one.
In the forums I use to frecuent it's the same, maybe it's just japanese fans that dont like them... but I doubt it's all of them, I mean, look at LiChun, hehe, she is adorable.
Some one in H!O mention that in the guestbook of LiChun in the last page there was 50 post, 49 negative and 1 positive, but all negative posts were made by 4 persons ¬¬.
Cant wait for this week's Hello!Morning. ^^
Boy, this looks like a good move talent-wise, but the backlash in Japan might be something to consider. Well, at least Tsunku is keeping his company in the headlines.
Morning Musume means Morning Daughters. You could take that to be Japan as the Land of the Rising Sun and thus Morning.
They are talented and experienced. The girls have been performing in show biz for quite some time now, and if you can hear past the terrible audio quality, the singing is better than some Musume.
One of them has been touring with the H!P, I'm just going to go ahead and assume she's been practicing Japanese the entire time. The other one was chosen back with Aika -- guess what she's probably been doing then. Coconuts Musume never learned to speak en masse because no one really tried to learn the language or bothered taking courses to learn the language. I somehow doubt that's going to be the same with these.
MAN MoMusu fans are hateful.
ah, no, i looked it up, i was thinking of ruru from t&c. is it a rule somewhere that chinese girls have to have cute little double syllable names?
looking through all the jyun jyun pics, I can't help but notice that her eyes stand out a lot. The way she looks with her eyes are almost scary...
jyun jyun gonna be the tallest in the group!
After a while, I find that the response in Japan has been better. In fact, there has been exclaimations of "Jyun Jyun/Rin Rin Kawaii!" here and there. I guess the crowd has lighten up to them after that morning's Haromoni. I still haven't surfed around the Chinese sites though. Anybody has any input about that?
It's interesting how the name Morning Musume came from. According to Japanese Wikipedia on Momusu, it was said that the girls were supposed to be a vocal unit that is like a morning (breakfast) set that can be enjoyed by anyone. Thus "Morning Musume" was named. Apparently, they have considered using "Viking Musume". Thank God they changed their minds. ^_^
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