Fujimoto Miki - Shouji Tomoharu Scandal Acknowledged by News and Their Agencies
Good morning, everyone. I am, of course, at work so I shall be brief.
Last night... well, wee hours in the morning actually... my Email-pal from Japan bought the Friday magazine from the convenience store, and took the pains to type out the full texts of the article. Would have scanned it as well, but it was late and needed shower & rest. I didn't post it then, but here it is now:
フライデー テキスト全文 25-05-2007
Very interesting read indeed. It's the same as what we saw in the scans that is probably widely circulated by now. The NewsFeed at H!O have more videos and stuff updated. So please check it out.
This morning, the many new press covered the scandal.

From Japan-Zone Entertainment News
The first reported romance for new Morning Musume leader Fujimoto Miki (22) is none other than comedian Shoji Tomoharu (31). "Mikitty" has been spotted several times spending the night at Shoji's Tokyo apartment by weekly gossip magazine "Friday", who published the photos in today's issue. Friends say they have been dating since at least last autumn.
Other Japanese press:
Sankei Sports
Tokyo Sports
Chunichi Sports
Sponichi Annex
Will Mikitty get kicked out of Morning Musume?
Will she resign from leadership and Momusu, just like Yaguchi Mari?
Is Mikitty taking from past scandal examples, because she wants to quit Morning Musume?
Again, how will UFA handle this matter?
What is it in comedians that hot girls like so much anyway?
Frankly, I agree with my buddy in Japan -> I don't think Mikitty will get into too much trouble. I'm guessing that UFA will just let the matter slide and the news to cool down, the old trick of "If we don't talk about it, we can pretend it never happened". Matsuura Aya was Friday'd once before, almost similar elements - bought stuff at the convenience store, stayed over-night, photos taken... etc. There was an uproar then, but who talks about it now?
Sure, Ayaya may have some leniency being a solo artist and all, whereas Mikitty is in Morning Musume, where such things are a big no-no. BUT if nothing severe happens to Mikitty, we can probably safely say that the way UFA handles their talents are different now. For now, we'll see if Mikitty will be put on a language course overseas or not - meaning that she will be put on some kind of hiatus, she can't be walking the streets with HaroMoni@ given the current situation, right?
1 thing it shows is the aphrodisiac* dimension of comedy.
[insert amazing joke here ;) ]
* Love potion
damn what is it right now... one affair follows the next scandal... is there some deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep dark pond where they try to get the bad-ass'd news from? I don't really mind the girls being in love and such. It's more the fact that some had to go and some others are going to be forget about... I mean it's no fair to the ones that had to go. Damn it! Well anyway!
The girls are of age... I mean they are gradually becoming woman and it is certain, that they want to have a love affair with their honeylove. if UFA wants to quit that stuff from happening, they'd have to kick out the over 18 year olds and replace them with kids ... and I reaaaaally really doubt that this is going to happen.
I wonder what the MoWota reaction will be.
Love, Charmy
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