Tsuji Nozomi Cries while Watching Missed Theater
Slowly coming back to blogging... how could I resist? ^_^Tsuji Nozomi attended the theater show of "Itsu no hi ka kimi kaeru" at Nissay Theatre in Tokyo, in which she dropped out due to her pregnancy. Before the start of the show, she visited the dressing room, to apologize to the acting leads Kakei Toshio and Kuroki Meisa. Everyone responded with a "Congratulations, Tsuji-chan!", and caused her to weep loudly.
Tsuji proceeded to watch the show from the audience seats. During the show, moved by the performance of Ishikawa Rika and her character's storyline, Tsuji cried again. As the show ends with the curtain call, Tsuji applauded over and over again when her replacement Yoshizawa Hitomi appeared.
元「モーニング娘。」メンバーで俳優杉浦太陽(26)と結婚する辻希美(19)が22日、妊娠で降板した舞台「何日君再来 イツノヒカキミカエル」(東京・日生劇場)の千秋楽を訪れた。
Source from Sponichi Annex
Oh wow that's pretty sweet.
*Big Aa*
Jin:"Slowly coming back to blogging... how could I resist? ^_^"
And we keep checking back, we can't help it, haha.
Poor Tsuji, how sweet...
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